Cheat Age of Empire 2 (PC Game)

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

  1. Ctrl + Q = Fast construction
  2. Ctrl + P = Build immutable structure
  3. Ctrl + T = Alternate resource menu
  4. Ctrl + C = View ending sequence

Press ENTER and then type this following cheat, then press ENTER again to activate the effect :

  1. CHEESE STEAK JIMMY’S = Makes 1000 Food.
  2. ROBIN HOOD = Makes 1000 Gold.
  3. ROCK ON = Makes 1000 Stone.
  4. LUMBERJACK = Makes 1000 wood.
  5. NATURAL WONDERS = Control nature and animals (but you loose control of your humans).
  6. RESIGN = Instant loss.
  7. BLACK DEATH = Destroy all the enemies.
  8. WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY = Commit suicide.
  9. I R WINNER = Instant victory.
  10. FURIOUS THE MONKEY BOY = Get a Furious Monkey Boy.
  11. HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON = Spawn Cobra Car.
  12. TO SMITHEREENS = Gives a Saboteur.
  14. AEGIS = Immediate Building.
  15. TORPEDOx = Kills opponent x (Change x with number of your opponent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
  16. MARCO = Display full map.
  17. POLO = Remove Shadow.
  18. NOTERRAINSOUND = Disable ambient sounds.
  19. NOSTARTUP = Disable FMV sequence.
  20. NOMUSIC = Disable Music.
  21. NORMALMOUSE = Disable Sounds.
  22. MFILL = Fix Display Problems.
  23. AWE FREEZES MSYNC = Fix sound problems.
  24. NORMALMOUSE = Default mouse driver.
  25. 800 = Setting screen resolution 800 x 600.
  26. 1024 = Setting screen resolution 1024 x 768.
  27. 1280 = Setting screen resolution 1280 x 1024.
  28. AUTOMPSAVE = Auto save game.
  29. MSYNC = Fix sound blaster.

Gambar : Screenshot Age of Empire 2

Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Cheat Age of Empire 2 (PC Game) Rating: 5
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