Cheat Age of Empire 1 (PC Game)

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

  1. Ctrl + T = Give a menu under wood, food, gold and stone
  2. Ctrl + W = Give 1000 wood
  3. Ctrl + F = Give 1000 food
  4. Ctrl + G = Give 1000 gold
  5. Ctrl + S =Give 1000 stone
  6. Ctrl + P =Put some rock when you clik left button on mouse.
  7. Ctrl + Q =Quick build

Press ENTER and then type this following cheat, then press ENTER again to activate the effect :
  1. MEDUSA = Villagers become medusa. When villager is killed, he becomes a black rider and if killed again becomes a heavy catapult.
  2. DIEDIEDIE = You all die.
  3. RESIGN = Instant loss.
  4. REVEAL MAP = Reveals all the map.
  5. PEPPERONI PIZZA = Makes 1000 food.
  6. COINAGE = Makes 1000 gold.
  7. WOODSTOCK = Makes 1000 wood.
  8. QUARRY = Makes 1000 stone.
  9. NO FOG = Remove the fog of war.
  10. HARI KARI = Suicide (A More Spectacular Ay To Resign).
  11. PHOTON MAN = Get A 'Nuker Trooper' (Guy A Laser Gun).
  12. GAIA = Control the animals (but you loose control of your humans).
  13. FLYING DUTCHMAN = Juggernaughts turn into the Flying Dutchman.
  14. STERIODS = Instant build.
  15. HOME RUN = Win the scenario.
  16. KILLX = Where 'X' is the players position (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).
  17. BIGDADDY = Cool car with rocket lancher.

Gambar : Screenshot Age of Empire 1

Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Cheat Age of Empire 1 (PC Game) Rating: 5
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