Cheat Empire Earth 1 (PC Game)

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Press ENTER and then type this following cheat, then press ENTER again to activate the effect :

  1. CREATINE = Makes 1000 iron.
  2. BOSTON FOOD SUCKS = 1000 food.
  3. YOU SAID WOOD = Makes 1000 Wood.
  4. ROCK&ROLL = Makes 1000 rock.
  5. ATM = Makes 1000 gold.
  6. ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US = Makes 100,000 of all resources.
  7. MY NAME IS METHOS = Makes all resources and show map.
  8. AHHHCOOL = Lose game.
  9. SOMBODY SET UP THE BOMB = Win game.
  10. BOSTON RENT = All gold gone.
  11. THE BIG DIG = All resources gone.
  12. DISPLAY CHEAT = Shows cheats.
  13. FRIENDLY SKIES = Planes refuel in mid air.
  14. MINE YOUR OWN BUSINESS = 0 rock.
  15. GIRLYMAN = 0 iron.
  16. SLIMFAST = 0 food.
  17. COFFEE TRAIN = Health for all player units.
  18. BRAINSTORM = Faster building and research.
  19. HEADSHOT = All object gone.
  20. UH, SMOKE? = All wood gone.
  21. ASUS DRIVERS = Show map.
  22. ALL YOU BASE ARE BELONG TO US = Makes 10,000 everything (or all your base are belong to us).
  23. I HAVE THE POWER = Magic / Restore energy to selected Prophet, Hero, Mana user.
  24. COLUMBUS = Animals and fish appear.
  25. THE QUOTABLE PATELLA = Free upgrade to lv.10 for all units (not citizens).
  26. BAM = Reveal entire map and remove fog of warn.

Gambar : Screenshot Empire Earth 1

Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Cheat Empire Earth 1 (PC Game) Rating: 5
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thanks.. gan

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