Cheat Empire Earth 3 (PC Game)

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Press ENTER and then type this following cheat, then press ENTER again to activate the effect :

  1. ICHEAT = Enable all cheat.
  2. IDONTCHEAT = Disable all cheat.
  3. CONVERT = Convert unit selected.
  4. ERA UP = Go to next epoch.
  5. GIVE TECH = Makes 50 technology points.
  6. LOOT = Makes 10,000 gold.
  7. MAX POP = Change the capacity of population.
  8. PLAY GOD = Units and structures can't be destroyed.
  9. PUNISH = Unit selected loses 20 HP.
  10. RECHARGE ME = Unit selected regains all power.
  11. SUPER CHEAT = Turn off fog of war, gain lots of gold, building and population bonuses.
  12. TAXES = Loss 100 to resources.
  13. TOGGLE FOG = Turn fog of war on / off.
  14. WIN = Win scenario.

Gambar : Screenshot Empire Earth 3

Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Cheat Empire Earth 3 (PC Game) Rating: 5
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